The Ascending Spirit

Month: July 2013

The Ascending Spirit

The Ascending Spirit

There is a voice in the wind tonight,
I hear the echo rippling through the sky.
Oh how it settles in the depths of my soul,
A song of ancient voices drawing me home.

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The Ascending Spirit

The Ascending Spirit

  “Where The Streets Have No Name” – U2   The Ascending Spirit [2009-10-23] There is a voice in the wind tonight, I hear the echo rippling through the sky. Oh how it settles in the depths of my soul, A song of ancient voices drawing me home. There is a love ascending from the vastness of night, I feel it pulsating in all that has life. Oh how it evokes the heights of my spirit, A herald orchestra playing the opening of doors. I’ll run and not know fatigue, leap and not know bounds, Face mountains and not be

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When troubles come

When troubles come

As rain falls, I can feel the ocean’s turbulence swelling. The imminence of an inevitable tempest upon me, how can I find shelter, surely I will be swept away.

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Redeem The Time

Redeem The Time

Its cadence is constant
Its tempo sustained
It knows no mercy
It knows no grace

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